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Private Consultations

Are you going through a major transition or crisis? Are you facing a

crossroads and don't know which path to take? Perhaps you're

dealing with a divorce, a relationship conflict, or the loss of a loved

one you just can't seem to get over. Maybe you just want to stop

working so hard. Is your life so hectic you're not having any fun?


No matter what challenges you're facing, you can get your life and

your relationships back on track. If you are feeling unfulfilled in

any way, or continuing to struggle in life -- then perhaps there's

something you need to admit to yourself.  


Maybe the way you've been trying to solve problems and achieve your

goals just isn't working. If you want things to be different -- it's time

for a new approach.


It's not easy to navigate life's challenges alone. You don't have to figure

it out on your own. All you need is to follow in the footsteps of

someone who can show you the way. I'd love to be that person for you.


You need the support of an experienced guide who can start on your

way, and put you on the fast track to inner and outer success. With

guidance, you can go within for the insight and the answers you need.

Once there you can identify the roadblocks on your path to happiness

and fulfillment.


A coaching session is not therapy or counseling. It's a tool for

self-discovery, and a way to gain the clarity you need to make powerful

choices and decisions that will lead you to a new direction in your career,

your personal life and in your overall happiness.


I know the power of mentoring first hand. In fact, mentoring has been

the key to my own success. I feel so strongly about the power of

one-on-one mentoring because I would not be where I am today without having had the right mentors.


I am convinced that mentoring is essential for everyone. A mentor can show you what you haven't been able to see for yourself and help you get out of your own way.


Chances are if you're reading this that you already know you need support and guidance to reach the next level in your personal growth.


Our sessions will be just you and me. I will take you by the hand and I will guide you, coach you and share my secrets for creating a truly fulfilling life.


Everyone needs a mentor who will walk by their side and lead the way. If you are in a crisis or facing a challenge and you need support and/or an immediate solution, a one-on-one mentoring session can provide the answers and solution you need.  


One of the many benefits of mentoring is you'll have the tools, understanding and confidence so your ideal future can show up more fully. 


It is your birthright to experience a radiant life filled with love, happiness, abundance and purpose. Just imagine how different your life will be when there's nothing to stop you from realizing your biggest dreams and goals.


The fee for a private session with Liz is $149.00 per hour, payable online by Paypal or by mail with

Check or Money Order. The session can be held on Skype, by phone or in person. The fee for

subsequent sessions is only $119 if booked within two weeks of your last session.


Click here to contact Liz and schedule an appointment.


  "I feel like you threw me a life-   line and I can breathe again."
            ~ Rebecca Lynch                          San Francisco, CA

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