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When You Connect With the Earth MIRACLES happen!


The EARTH Heals...

Simply by walking barefoot on the Earth, a practice known as Grounding and Earthing, you receive a charge of energy that can make you feel better FAST in many different ways. Your body needs grounding just as it needs air and the sunshine. Earthing heals mind, body, and spirit, naturally.


EARTHING has many benefits

Tapping into the Earth's subtle energy expedites the body's healing, recovery and rejuvenation processes. It's the best anti-aging secret on the planet. Meditation and creative visualization are also greatly enhanced.


If you have weight to lose, a chronic health issue, painful memories to heal, old patterns to break, or you're just interested in creating a few miracles, This is the PERFECT TIME to release stuck issues. Learning how to tap into this powerful flow of healing energy may be exactly what you've been looking for!


The science of EARTHING

Earthing is based on the scientific discovery that connecting to the Earth supports organ systems down to the tissues and the cellular function of the entire body. The Earth is meant to be a docking station, a port we can plug into and maintain whole body health and wellness.


Whenever we are in direct contact with the Earth's surface, we're docking into the free electrons that flow through the earth's surface. We receive a charge of subtle energy that stabilized our body's bio-electrical system, and balance is restored. That's the reason why it's so important to use Earthing to harness the electrical charge of the Earth. 


Ojai is California's very own spiritual mecca. Every year thousands of people are drawn to this mountain oasis known as Shangri-La. In addition to its breathtaking beauty and tranquility, the Ojai mountain valley is the site of a powerful vortex similar to the vortex in Sedona, Arizona and Mount Shasta, California.


For miles and miles in all directions, the Ojai vortex pulses in sync with Mother Earth. The power of the Ojai vortex combined with Mother Earth's natural healing and uplifting energy is the MAGIC FORMULA for healing and nurturing mind, body, and soul, at the deepest level.


When you connect to Gaia and create from your heart--miracles happen.

Earthing is the gateway to natural healing, robust health, and personal change. It's a powerful self-care practice that's super easy to learn. So, it doesn't take long to get into a new habit that can change your life in so many positive ways.

You are invited to join me every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. at the Earthing Gathering. We meet up at the front entrance of Libbey Park by the fountain. We will walk a short distance to a power spot where we will co-create health, wealth, and happiness with Mother Earth. 


Be sure to bring a hat, water, and a yoga blanket, or sheet. Donations are accepted. Please RSVP by calling Liz at 805-646-6090, or RSVP on the Contact Page.


After the Earthing Gathering, you're invited to attend my Earthing Class and learn amazing Earthing techniques and exercises for creating and manifesting the life you deserve and desire. 


Dedicated to your health and happiness, 


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